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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oxbow Pond

I have not done any serious kayaking since moving to the Pioneer Valley two years ago. Time is fleeting. We decided to take a small trip to the Oxbow Pond on Rt 5. It was already early afternoon and we had a fireworks party to go to in the evening but I sucked it up and soldiered on.

First we had to drag the kayaks out of the basement and load them on the truck. Why do I have such big, heavy kayaks? Then I had to find all the gear and load that in the truck. Somewhere along the line I discovered that one of our sweet little kitties decided to use one of kayaks for their personal needs. Thankfully they are washable. I got the hose out and did my best to wash the kayak out while it was strapped to the Tulles on top of the truck. Thank you Ray, for your help.

We finally headed to the Oxbow. The place was packed but there were two parking spots for cartop boats and both were empty. Lucky us! We got the kayaks unloaded, got all the gear together and launched. We paddled around for maybe a half hour before calling it quits. Then we loaded them up again and headed for the party. Am I having fun yet?

We were the first ones there so we hung around chatting while the food was being prepared. Well, Dave was chatting, I was hanging around. We had some chicken tacos, which were good, and then left for home, promising to come back later.

As I live in Holyoke I had to unload the kayaks and drag them back down to the basement, where they will probably stay for awhile. The gear is still in the truck and will probably stay there for awhile too! It sure seemed like a lot of work for 30 minutes of paddling.

I did a get one picture, although not a great one, but you get the idea.

Oxbow Pond on the Connecticut River in Mass
Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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